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    Xiaomeng Hooded Climax and Rebreathing Blackout

    Please Note: All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only. All content is consensual.

    Breathplay Xiaomeng - Xiaomeng Hooded Climax and Rebreathing Blackout

    Clip Description

    I feel that I have to write more words for this video, my most favorite one so far, and I believe it is a must-see one for all Xiaomeng fans: there is another unexpected blackout!
    Xiaomeng was wearing lingerie and blindfolded. Her chest, arms and legs were wrapped by cling film and her hands were tight behind her back. Three different items were used to bag her head.
    The first is with heat shrink bags for four times, and each time the bag wasn’t ripped open quickly. In the first and second times, a bag was tightly sealed by a black collar around her neck. In the third time, it was sealed by a pink collar after she was ball-gagged. The last time is similar, but I finally switched on a hair dryer and shrank the bag. A reduced air volume made her situation harder.
    After a short break, a semitransparent breathplay hood was put on Xiaomeng’s head. The hood has a small breathing hole, but I didn’t make it so easy for her. I used some cling film to cover the hole for three times. The breathplay hood was not lifted during the session, and even a collar was added later, so when she needed to catch her breath in between, she still had to do it through the tiny hole.
    Then things became more exciting. I put on her a breathplay hood with no breathing hole at all, and all she got was only one or two minutes of precious air inside the hood for her survival. We started with a relatively soft attempt first to let her get used to it. In the second time, I decided to reward her a forced orgasm with a vibrator. The time for building up was long, so I had to lift the edge of the hood a few times to prolong her stay, and finally she reached a very strong climax that I’ve rarely seen before.
    At that moment more than 40 minutes was passed since we started shooting, and Xiaomeng got completely exhausted after the strong climax. However the climax of this video is about to reach. The hood with no hole was used one more time, and she used up all the rest of her energy there. At a certain time, her breathing pattern became fast and then shallow, and convulsion appeared. Finally she stopped breathing after an exhaling and slowly leant forward. I saved her quickly. When the hood is removed, her face and lips were grayish.
    After she recovered, I asked her what happened. “Painful,” she said, “I knew breathing was already useless because there was no oxygen in the stale air anymore, but my body just took over and kept breathing. My vision became dark, I saw stars, and then the next thing I knew is that I was breathing fresh air and felt like just being woken up from sleeping, although my lungs were still burning and my heart was pumping fast.”
    Please support and encourage Xiaomeng more!

    Clip Duration:      33 minutes
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    mp41584.13 MB

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    Breathplay Xiaomeng - Xiaomeng Hooded Climax and Rebreathing Blackout

    Breathplay Xiaomeng - Xiaomeng Hooded Climax and Rebreathing Blackout

    Breathplay Xiaomeng - Xiaomeng Hooded Climax and Rebreathing Blackout

    Breathplay Xiaomeng - Xiaomeng Hooded Climax and Rebreathing Blackout

    Breathplay Xiaomeng - Xiaomeng Hooded Climax and Rebreathing Blackout

    Breathplay Xiaomeng - Xiaomeng Hooded Climax and Rebreathing Blackout

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    Breathplay Xiaomeng is available on:
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